Hello! How are you all?
We are both feeling better this week, thank goodness! Hehe, yesterday Sister Nielsen gave the world's bestest talk in sacrament meeting about being on time to church. She wrote it, and I helped her translate it in Tagalog. It was funny because we were both really nervous that lots of the members were going to get really offended by it, but it turns out that it made everyone laugh and they all loved it and wanted a copy of it. hehe!
It's really hard to see several of our investigators really having a hard time right now financially. Filipinos are so hard-working, but sometimes, despite all they do, it's hard to survive just the same. It almost breaks my heart when the Agustin children pray, "please bless that we will have food today" in their prayers to Heavenly Father. But that's really reality for a lot of people here. We in America are really truly spoiled, and we ought never ever to complain about anything. We need to always be humble and grateful
Last week we had a Family home evening with Jerrene's family. Her little siblings are so cute. We did an object lesson where her little brother got jelly all over his hands, and he tried to rub it off, but it just got all the more sticky. Then we likened it to how sometimes in life we have problems or sticky situations that we really can't get out of without the Savior's help (the atonement). But if we let go of our pride and turn it over to him, he has the power to wash us from our mistakes and help us start over. Sister Jerrene never ceases to amaze me - she showed us her autobiography English portfolio for a school project, in which she has a picture of her baptism and writes her testimony and talks a lot about Jesus Christ and repentance. And then she relates the story of the pre-existence to her teacher and how it all began (the creation, etc.) She said that her goal is to become so well-versed in the scriptures that someday she'll be able to teach us (missionaries) like we teach her.
Life is great!!! I love Urdaneta!!! I miss you all, I miss the temple, and I miss Mexican food. But other than that, I absolutely love it here, and it will be hard to leave. I know that the Book of Mormon is really true. I'm so happy. Thanks for being the bestest family in the whole world. I love you!
Love, Rebecca
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